About Climate Action

We seek to reduce harmful emissions and increase community resilience and preparedness in climate change mitigation.

Current & Past Projects

Our project idea is focused on helping local entrepreneurs grow by leveraging technology to gain access to industry mentorship. The project is aimed at enabling business growth through guiding and mentoring local entrepreneurs through their business journeys and organizing the necessary businesses.

Linkages that would shorten the learning curve and establish the connections to grow their enterprises. One of the key challenges being faced by entrepreneurs is limited knowledge of entrepreneurial skills and the need for incubation, acceleration, and mentorship to succeed in their ventures.

We want to address the challenge of limited knowledge and entrepreneurial skills and the need for incubation, acceleration, and mentorship to succeed in their ventures and, hence, create a sustainable future. Ecopreneurship is a key driver in the creation of innovative solutions to environmental challenges and sustainable business models by working together with (and for) the environment.

Our pilot program will target reaching 100 enterprises in the 4 counties. The indirect beneficiaries’ are over 400 households and 1600 community members who will benefit from the initiative since it helps to create and sustain employment. EKONNECT is a US Embassy-TechCamp-funded project STEERED BY A TEAM OF TechCamp alumni that seeks to provide mentorship to entrepreneurs in Kenya and beyond.

Cohort 2: Strengthening the role of women in climate change mitigation

The main objective of the project was to work with Kenyan women and communities to address climate change by increasing awareness and use of clean domestic/ energy in rural Kenya while also offering options for economic advancement and empowerment. The project identified sixty (60) women specifically women who run CBOs, Chama leaders, women in agriculture and farmer associations, female community influencers in the target counties with potential or engaged in part in effective advocacy efforts in the community and equipped them with skills on effective advocacy and entrepreneurship, specifically the making, use and sale of briquettes as a business for self-reliance by end of the project. 600 women group members through were reached through cascade trainings by the trained leaders on clean energy for domestic use ensuring 2400 people access to clean energy through the use of briquettes. The project was led by US Kenya Exchange Alumni and was implemented in Kericho, Kakamega and Kisumu counties.

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